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Farmland Value Update - Winter 2023

Another harvest season is rolling, and farmland sales across the Midwest continue to occur. It’s not the same “go-go” market of 2022, but the market is certainly not weak.

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Grain Markets - Winter 2023

As I reflect on my career, which began in 1979, it has become very apparent that commodity markets are constantly evolving, reflecting growth, income, and population, as well as changes in weather, technology, and government intervention.

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November 2023 Wallace’s Farmer “MarketPlace Extra”

Farmland sales across the State continue. It’s not the same “go-go” market of 2022, but the market is certainly not weak.

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October 2023 Wallace’s Farmer “MarketPlace Extra”

 As harvest begins and yield totals emerge, the market will again make judgement as to how aggressive or passive prospective buyers will be when making purchase decisions.

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September 2023 Wallace’s Farmer “MarketPlace Extra”

Commodity prices have been a rollercoaster this summer, albeit with profitable selling windows, while generally grinding lower, and interest rates are roughly double what they were 12-18 months ago.

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August 2023 Wallace’s Farmer “MarketPlace Extra”

After a weak commodities market through the spring, the early growing season featured a drought-induced weather scare that drove corn and soybean prices higher. 

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July 2023 Wallace’s Farmer “MarketPlace Extra”

Farmland prices remain strong across the State of Iowa. However, the early summer farmland market is different than it was 12 months ago.

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