Sale Pending - Monroe Co., IA - 160.00 Ac., m/l (180-0177-01)

Secluded Recreational Farm with Cropland, Timber & Pasture Acres!

Sale Pending!

Photo of Rachelle Heller

Rachelle Heller, ALC

Full Profile

Photo of Adam Sylvester

Adam Sylvester, AFM

Full Profile
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Location Information

601st Trail
Nearest City

Acreage Details: 160.00 (Acres, m/l)

Soil Productivity Rating
51.60 CSR2
Tillable Acres
24.01 Est.

160.00 acres, m/l, located 5 miles northwest of Moravia, Iowa on the west side of 601st Trail.

This farm has 68.53 FSA/Eff. crop acres, however, only an estimated 24.01 acres are currently in crop production which is currently seeded to hay; the remaining acres are in trees and pasture.  The CSR2 on the acres currently in production is 51.60.

This recreational farm is in a highly sought after region of Monroe County. A combination of timber, thick brush, and a creek provide great habitat for whitetail deer.